How to Safely Use Pesticides in Your Home

We have all had pests of one kind of another in our homes that we needed to deal with. Most people just go to the supermarket and by pesticides. While this usually takes care of the problem, it is important that you know how to use pesticides safely when dealing with pests. This is especially important if you have small children, elderly people or someone who suffers allergies in your home. Here are some tips for how to use pesticides at home and keep everyone safe:

•    The most important thing, and you must always do this, is to read and understand the label. Follow the instructions and also understand the particular symptoms in case of exposure.

•    Get rid of what is bringing the pests to your home in the first place. Most pests will come in because they are attracted by something. A common is example is cockroaches – they usually come after food that is left lying in drawers and so on. Make sure that your house is always clean.

•    When using the pesticides keep away all food and eating utensils in a closed drawer. One common way that people ingest pesticides after they use them is through food and utensils. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after use even if you were wearing gloves.

•    Always read the label to see what pests the particular pesticide you are using kills. There are different kinds of pesticides for different kinds of pests. Do not use more than is indicated on the label.

•    Do not use pesticides outside on windy days as they tend to travel with the wind.

•    Before you use the pesticides you should take out your children, toys and pets and let them stay there until the pesticides clear from the air.

•    Dress properly in a long sleeved shirt and pants before you use the pesticides.

These tips will help keep you safe as you use pesticides but what if the pests don’t die? This is not uncommon especially where nests have already formed. In such a case, a professional pest control company is required. They have stronger and more effective pesticides and they know how to get rid of infestations in such a way that they don’t come back. One such company is Avon Pest Control. They serve clients in Leamington Spa, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Kenilworth, Warwick, Coventry & surrounding areas. They are fast, discreet and your neighbors will never know they were there. You can find out more on their website,

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