How do I know if I have a problem with cluster flies?

Often, cluster flies live outside in spring and summer. They mainly feed on fruits or flowers. When winter approaches, cluster flies find their way into more solid structures through crevices and small cracks. They hide in groups in dark corners and wall voids and any other tight space that they can reach. You are most likely to find them behind pictures, on window casings, beneath curtains, and underneath furniture.

The Cluster Fly's life cycle begins when the female lays eggs in the soil during summer. The eggs hatch within three days into the larvae stage and enter the body of earthworms. They feed on their hosts until they get to their pupal stage in the soil for around 11-14 days. It is after this that the adult develops and is ready to start the cycle again.

Cluster flies do not cause any damage to your home, but they are considered to be a nuisance once they get inside your house.  The most common infestation signs of these flies are that they leave tiny dark-coloured spots of droppings on the walls and windows; they also release a strange odour once they are disturbed, and once dead inside wall voids, they are most likely to attract larder beetles.

Prevention of cluster flies to get inside your house is possible.  The best way to do this is by mechanical exclusion.  Some practices that can be useful in cluster flies prevention include:
•    Filling all the crevices or cracks in the walls, door frames and windows with caulking. Ensure that you have covered all possible cracks in the building.
•    Repair or replace any damaged doors or window screens.
•    Installing insect screening or mosquito nets on air vents in the soffits.
•    You can also apply pyrethroid-based insecticides on your walls to deter the flies.

To eliminate cluster flies, there are several things that you can do. These include:
•    Using a vacuum hose to remove the cluster flies once they appear in the basement, ceilings, attics, or crawl spaces.
•    Treat any areas where cluster flies have been found or are suspected with a residual dust insecticide.
•    Use of a contact pyrethrum spray and spray sparingly
•    You can also use fly light traps; this attracts a large number of the flies before they can move n t the living spaces.

If you are experiencing cluster fly problems, it is important that you hire the services of a professional pest control company. The experts will be in a position of identifying the major areas of infestation and know what the right treatment method is. Avon Pest Control offers lasting solutions to your pest problems including cluster fly infestation. You can contact us for any pest control issues via our website

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