What Do Mice Like To Eat? How to Keep Them Out of your Home?

Mice infestations are not uncommon in Warwickshire homes especially as we near the winter months. As it gets colder and colder they look for warm places to hide and they may end up in your home.

What was just a few mice can become dozens in just a few weeks - they reproduce very fast.

You will end up with lots of property damage and they may even cause illness.

The best thing to do is to avoid getting mice into your home.

Make sure that there is nothing for them to eat - if they starve they will seek somewhere else to live.

But what do mice like to eat?

Unfortunately, they are not fussy eaters. Mice will eat lots of things.

Many people assume that they like cheese when in fact many of them will eat it as a last resort or not at all.

Mice like to eat fruit, vegetables, grains and seeds, all kinds of protein and other insects. If you leave any of these things lying about they will come out in the night to feed and then go back to their nests and reproduce. Make sure that all food is kept away after meals and clean the kitchen floor and counters of all scraps.Make sure that your garbage is securely covered and that your larder is properly closed.

If, however, you hear noises in the night or see mice droppings it is important that you take action right away. Mice traps can work if you only have a few mice in the home.

You can also try using poison although you run another risk - if they eat the poison and die in hard-to-reach places they will make your home stink.

The best thing to do is to call in a professional mice pest control expert or pest exterminator.

They have all the equipment necessary and they know how to get rid of mice permanently.

The best companies make sure that they close all entrances that the mice may use to get into your home and they will also give you tips on how to make sure that they don't come back.

After the extermination they will take all the dead mice with them so you don't have to worry about disposal.

We, Avon Pest Control are a local and reputed company which a wide range of pest control services to chose from.

We are fast and efficient and we are also discreet.

You can find out more on our website: www.avon-pestcontrol.co.uk/pestControl.

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